Katie's photos

By bogbumper

'Can I go now?'

It must be time for another ringing blip (after a Swallow last week, a Long-tailed Tit in July and a Whitethroat the month before).

We were back at Beeston again today. We had a really good, productive morning, catching nearly 60 birds. Most were juvenile Great Tits (not so many Blue Tits), plus other stuff like Dunnocks, Robins, Blackbirds, Chaffinches, Greenfinches, Whitethroats and a Goldcrest.

(while we were getting some nets ready last night, a Sparrowhawk flew into one of the nets but it managed to escape before we could get to it!)

As you've probably guessed by now, the real stars of today's show were two Kingfishers that we caught by ponds on the farm. They are a real delight to handle, even if the rings are a bit fiddly because Kingfishers have such short legs!

There are some more (maybe better) photos here, but I thought this one was a bit different.

PS Yesterday's blip was about greengages!

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