Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

New routine

Tried a new routine this evening for a Friday night. Friday night has been film night for quite a while in our house. However, we are going to move film night to Saturday night and try to go swimming on a Friday evening.

I live in the hope that I will start making the 5pm yoga class at the gym on a Friday evening. Each Friday I get the 0663 from Stirling which gets me into the office for about 0745. This is in the hope that I can get away in time to catch the 5pm yoga class...think I've made it once in the last 3 months!

Anyway the idea is that Mr R will give the barmy army an early tea and head down to the gym to meet me about half the time we get ready for our swim the swim aerobics ladies are out the training pool and we can swim to our hearts content:-)

Didn't make the yoga this evening as I was suppose to be training so didn't take my yoga things with me...the training actually had to be cancelled but that's another story!

However, we all made it to the pool and enjoyed our swim very much. I say to the Fangler to swim like a wee doggy so he kicks his legs and arms and does a wee bark too for good measure:-)

On the way out thought I'd take a photo of the gym, it's quite a smart building but there were lampposts in the way of the shot and if I'd crossed the road the army would have followed and chaos would have ensued so snapped this one of the tree instead.

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