
By shy

Another shot of a light fitting

I know I've done it before , but I've managed to somehow end up with a shot of a light-fitting.

In my last entry I was mentioning the fact that I may have to buy a card-reader in order to get anything out of the new camera. Well I haven't had time to get one yet, but I managed to come up with a cunning plan..

..I took the CF card and put it in my 400D. Lo and behold, I could rewiew and download the pictures with no trouble. Happy with the fact I could do this, I spent a bit of time after work, shooting planes and things. I did this in RAW. Unfortunately, the 400D won't review, or allow me to download RAW files taken with the 1D - only JPEGS. It is my fault for reading the instructions and learning how to produce RAW files.

So, this is my first published shot with the 1D. Not what I intended, but a milestone for me nonetheless.

Oh, and the other news is that as part of the integration process at work, I was interviewed for my own job (for which there was competition). Strangely, my application was successful.

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