Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

The Car Wash Kid!

Peace and order is restored to the Grant household today. Not sure what got into H yesterday but everyone is allowed an off-day...although it was a very off-day indeed and he's been told that it has to last him for a few weeks ;-)

He loves to wash the cars so today we washed my beautiful baby Fiat 500. He particularly likes scrubbing alloy why waste a perfectly good fetish is my motto!

Noah pootled around watching us scrub-a-dub and shouting instructions from the sidelines along the lines of 'BIRD'...'AIR-AIR' (aeroplane)...'DOG'...we should have taken notice of that particular command as unbeknown to H and me that sneaky canine Archie had made a bid for freedom. He was returned to us a while later by one of the men who work at our village country store...we hadn't even noticed he'd gone...oops!

When we'd finished Noah was filthier than either Henry or fact it looked as though we'd used him to clean the car! How does that happen?

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