Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra


Yesterday was my first no-blip day. I am not very happy about it but I just slept yesterday and most of today as well. I had not realized how tired I was.

This blip is also just one picture so that I don't miss another day. I am not too happy with my blip, but I guess this will do for now. I need to get back in the mode for blipping :( I guess a couple of days and I will be back on track.

Faculty workshops started today and I also started fasting. It was quite easy as we were used to having two meals even in Dubai. I also have to make up for the fasts I have missed.

It rained today which is not a good thing. Another project lined up for me is to collect relief goods for the flood affected victims. My brother is going personally to these places with supplies in a few days.

Update: Forgot to tell that my laptop died in Dubai :( So, now I have to get it repaired as well!!

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