Me and Max

By grete

The Little Moments

My youngest son William phoned this morning to ask if he could borrow the car and the zoom lens. Something about making a picture of an invisible car. Our Mondeo was to be covered in old leaves, and then removed afterwards with photoshop.

Sounded inventive to me. Fine, I said, go ahead with the car.
As for the zoom lens, nooooooo......
I have developed a love story with my lens these days. Can´t live without it.

But I´m no good at no´s.....

When I looked after baby grandson today, I still caught that small moment in the activity of standing up and sitting down. My normal lens this time, not the mega, mega.

As for the response on my previous blip, I am grateful. A big hug to everyone visiting and to those who left such generous words. Thank you!

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