mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Boy in the bubble

Just to prove we do actually go outside! I realise a lot of my blips are indoor ones. I think Aidan likes the rain cover, not sure though. He pushes his hands and feet against it as hard as he can. He's not crying though so I think he's maybe just exploring the cover.

I took Aidan to get weighed this morning he is 22lbs 8.5oz, a weight gain of 7.5oz in one month. Not too shabby, he's still following his centile. Then we went to Mothercare in search of tiny little baby things for my friend's baby. Managed to get a few wee nice things which will hopefully fit the baby once he gets a little bit bigger.

Baked a pre-birthday cake this afternoon as a wee trial for Aidan's birthday. It did not turn out very well. Hmmm. Must try harder for his actual birthday cake!

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