
By D77


A big long wander round the streets today with this dude (do pop over and say hello). It's such a different experience to doing it alone, and much more enjoyable, especially when you get to meet Bumblebee from Transformers (more crudely referred to as a Camaro, I'm told) in all his glory. I'm not really of a car kind of guy, but Bumblebee is wicked, even if he probably has to stay underground most of the time to avoid being bumped and scraped and beeped at all day. Incidentally, Egypt features in Transformers 2 where the Pyramids get ripped apart at the end. But I don't like to talk about Transformers 2, it upsets me. The original Michael Bay extravaganza is superior in every way.

Other highlights of the extended photo wander included a man who mistook us for a camel, some shadow-play in an unfinished (common in Cairo due to people dodging out of having to pay tax) building, a wall with a prayer mat on it (will definitely go back for that one), a lovely family that lived in a shack next to a building site who popped out to say hello and have a photo or two, and a sad looking donkey.

Oh, and Dan's flip-flopped feet, which resembled a primate's after scrabbling about in the dirt for the afternoon.

You can't go wrong with jeans and boots if you ask me.

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