
By Pix

Lakes 5 day - last day - Fitter, Happier

Last day of the Lakes 5 day competition. Got up early and packed up the tent as today's event was on the home. We were late for our start times, but they let us run later. Today was very easy navigationally compared to yesterday, but I had no energy left, so made slow but steady progress throughout. Loevly weather and fantastic views again - can't complain! Can complain about the traffic on the way home though :( Cari did well again today and finished 7th overall in her class for the week, and we think she was top for her age - Whoop!

Proper bed tonight - yay!

This is me after today's last race, still high on endorphins, tum full of "Wilf's chilli" and cakes and lashings of tea. Looking a bit tanned from running around in the sun (mostly) all week, and unshaven (not for long).

Fitter, Happier (Radiohead)

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