Time's a-marching on

Quite how it's the last day of the eighth month of this year, I am not sure. Quite how that happened so quickly is a mystery to me!

Today is my sister's Wedding anniversary - I believe it's 13 years now, though don't quote me!

Happy Anniversary R&J! Thinking of you guys.

What else? Not much really, if the truth be known. Pio and Cousteau were cute when I saw them earlier. They lapped up their tuna (they love tinned tuna and the spring water juice so I give them a bit of mine as a treat whenever I have it) and made me laugh.

Pio has become a fine young cat. He has crazy moments in the evening, when his pupils become enormous and he just seems to be uncontrollable. I have to wrap him tight in my arms and then I take him to my bedroom and shut him in. He throws himself against the door for a few minutes. Cousteau and I listen to him from the lounge.

As regular as clockwork, he then calms down and invariably I come back to my room to find a purring, chilled out puss lying on my bed or on the rocking chair.

He's a funny one, that's for sure.

I still find his fascination for flowers a cute one too.

Nowt as queer as folk, eh?

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