horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Give it some Bass

We. Made. It. aka Praise Be For Spare Memory Cards...

A year and 3 days to the day we were first supposed to be landing on the Bass Rock, and two further foiled attempts later, and we made it. Great weather, little wind, a low swell. Hurrah! And it could all have been so annoying... 200 shots in and my 8gig memory card died on me. Kaput. Thank god I was carrying a spare, and we had two hours ashore still to enjoy. The only downside is the first card was used to photograph the 'chumming' - feeding the seabirds off the side of the fishing boat that took us to the island.

But hey, i've got a set of 35 great photos on Flickr, so I'm not going to complain. There could have been many, many more even just from the second card but it might have all got a bit samey. And I wish I could take credit for these photos, but you'd be hard pushed to fail to get some great images from this trip.

And so much nicer than the Farne Islands trip earlier this year that got some brilliant Puffin shots - mainly because there were ten of us on the Rock. That's it. Ten. 10. I cannot stress enough how good this trip was. And hell, it beats a day in the office.

All after a lovely lazy morning which saw brekkie in Urban Angel as well. Why can't all days be like this?

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