
I think this is a new all-time record for me. I've taken a bath four or five times in the past week. That never happens.* I've been trying to soak what I thought was a strained intercostal muscle. Mmm.. I'm going to get a chest xray tomorrow.. at the suggestion of my doctor who called me tonight after he got off the phone with my dad because I called to tell him I'm in even more pain than I was yesterday.

I'm going to make this quick. I need to get back to studying.

5 things:
1. Short class period this morning
2. Study time with Brighton and Leah
3. Chicken lettuce wraps
4. Understanding things now that I didn't understand this morning or yesterday
5. Organic Valley chocolate milk. It's my favorite.

It's 9pm. I'm probably going to sleep soon. I need a hug. And my mom.

*Maybe I need to add that I normally take showers... not baths. NOT that it's unusual for me to bathe in general. Thanks, Aunt Rhonda.

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