
By MagicDaizy

The Evil Eye

My Cousin got this 'Evil Eye' CellPhone-Charm for me from Turkey! The blue eye has always fascinated me. I don?t believe in superstitions, but I do believe in super natural!

General Info

The evil eye is a look that is superstitiously held by many cultures to be able to cause grievance or dire luck for the individual at whom it is directed for reasons of envy or detest. The term also refers to the power attributed to certain persons of inflicting injury or bad luck by such an envious or ill-wishing look.

The "evil eye" is also known as "Mal de ojo."Mediterranean cultures and many others around the world believe in the conception of the "evil eye." Indications may include diarrhea, constant crying, and, in some cases, even death. It usually has an effect on babies and children, however, grown-up females can also be affected.

In numerous Latin American states, as a defensive technique to evade the evil eye, parents will tie a red ribbon around the child's wrist or ankle.

The psychodynamics of jealousy impose atrocious torment on the spiteful subject, and may be responsible for certain cases of frantic sightlessness.

The concept and its implication vary widely among different cultures. The idea appears several times in translations (Tirgumim) of the Old Testament. It was a widely extended belief between many Mediterranean tribes and cultures: Classical Greece probably learned this belief from ancient Egypt, and later passed it to ancient Rome

However, for the Christian-Syrian-Labenese, A blue eye can also be found on some forms of the hamsa hand, an apotropaic hand-shaped amulet against the evil eye found in the Middle East. The word hamsa, also spelled khamsa and hamesh, means "five" referring to the fingers of the hand.

In Jewish culture, the hamsa is called the Hand of Miriam; in some Muslim populated cultures, the 'Hand of Fatima'. However, it is considered a superstition to practicing or religious Muslims that any symbol or object protects against the evil eye. In Islam, only God can protect against the evil eye
source of info: wikipedia

Evil Eye Items

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