Change is coming

One year from now, my boy starts high school. about two minutes after opening this letter I had to sit down and put my head down as the room started spinning and I saw stars. Jimbo is desperate to get there. Me - I am feeling sad that he is growing up - I am terrified that my affectionate little boy is going to turn into a cold, aloof teenage boy. Nurture and his nature say that won't happen. Still, its another reminder that life changes so quickly .

On a separate, but disturbing note a friend has asked me to share what happened to her in the holidays. She has a young daughter and whilst at the beach her husband notice two young oriental men with cameras and big lenses who appeared to be taking photos of their daughter. Her husband challenged them and asked to see the pictures - all the pictures were individual shots of lots and lots of different children on the beach - not accidental, but very calculated. She was so appalled and shocked she didn't think to ring the police until later.

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