
By cracker

Fading Sunset

Kaz went off to work in the city early this morning and Spence didn't wake up until 8.20am! It was fantastic! We went and did the grocery shopping, stacked the wood that got delivered yesterday and picked up all the sticks that blew off the tree in all the wind we have been having.

It was a beautiful day today. The sun was shining, there was hardly any wind and the chill in the air wasn't there. Spence had his sleep then went over to Joe and Bev's house for an hour while I mowed the lawn!

I finished mowing then went and spoke to Joe and Bev for a bit and as I was leaving the sun was setting. By the time I had walked back over the driveway to our house, picked up my camera and came back outside onto the balcony, the sun had gone behind the hills but the colours were still there!

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