Two words...


rendered insensible to pain by the administration of an anaesthetic


loss of the power to feel or move normally; emotionally unresponsive; indifferent

... often used interchangeably, but can also be words with very different meanings. One, anaesthetized, kind of good. It suggests something positive and constructive is being done. The other, not so good.

I haven't taken many pictures over the last few days and I think I have probably commented even less. Too much stuff going on just now.

The cats went to the visit the vet yesterday. We were getting a bit concerned that Pogle was getting too amorous. Good news is that they are pretty much back to normal today. That said and I hate to anthropomorphise, I could swear that P gives me dirty looks from time to time! Who can blame him! It must hurt now that the anaethetic has worn off.

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