occhi verdi

By occhiverdi


5 things that make me happy:
- Tomatillos
- Getting rid of my migraine by snapping shots of these wonderful vegetables on my balcony
- Coming home from class this morning and getting straight back in bed
- Wearing my wellies to class today in the pouring rain
- The lovely, lovely rain...

I have discovered a newfound love of tomatillos. I'd never tasted one before I decided to cut one up and put it in my omelette this morning. They are sweet and delicious. I'm a total fan. Gonna start searching for some great tomatillo recipes.. maybe I'll start with a salsa and work my way up from there.

I'm currently nestled in my bed with a heading pad on my neck.
My thought process as I'm lying here:
I've never tried putting a heating pad on the back of my neck to get rid of a migraine before. Is it bad if my brain stem gets too hot? It seems like that might make me nauseated or potentially hurt me in some way. I wonder if I should get an ice pack instead so my brain doesn't get too hot.

Am I crazy? Probably. I took some excedrin too. It's kind of coming back now. Boo. I hope it's not a caffeine headache. I am so sick of being addicted to caffeine. I want to drink it when I want to drink it and not feel like I need to drink it to ward off some impending headache. Today really is the ideal day of this week to have a headache though. I have class tonight, but I can sleep it off if I need to.
So here goes.

Happy day, Blipland.

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