jeni and the beans

By themessymama

We did it!

We reached 100 blips, and consecutively as well! Who'd have thunk it. I didn't, when I started, I was impressed that I'd reached 10 days and couldn't actually conceive that I'd reach 100.

So here we are, even Ben has joined in the celebration and helped with today's blip! It's amazing how much blippage goes through your head when it's heading towards 3.30am and you're still not allowed to go to sleep (thanks, Benjamin). I think this may perhaps be the first blip I've actually thought about ahead of time.

Many many many thanks to Joe and G, this is a wonderful place, so encouraging! I've learnt a lot since joining, I've been encouraged to get the big camera out more and more, I've played with post-processing, I've thought more about composition, lighting, subjects - I've strayed a few times from blipping Ben!

Enough. Got to go out now (and Ben wants me to sing Old Macdonald ... quack quack :)

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