Still The Moment

By mikelee


I'm a user of public transport. I prefer a ride than a drive. I've once serious thought of learning driving and having a car after my wife was expecting. But I really don't like driving. And after weighing the pros and cons of using a car or not, my wife and I decided not to own a car. Sometimes I do wish I had one. Most of the time I don't. Bus or taxi works fine for me and OK for my family. My feet work even better as Macau is such a small town that most of my frequent spots are within walking distance. And when I thought about the manners of most of the local drivers, how they use their vehicles on the roads and how poor the local road and traffic condition, I'm glad I'm not in the scene.

Cycle rickshaw is one of the local public transports. However, it's for tourists rather than locals. If the weather is fine and not many cars are on the roads, I'd like to have a ride on it for fun.

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