Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

My favorite boat to blip

What a long day I have had. My husband and I got up at 4:30 and went to Gold Beach to do some volunteer work, and it was raining cats and dogs. The further south we went, the harder it rained. It pretty much rained most of the day. I heard it rained 3 inches by 3:00 p.m.

We headed home about 5:00, and the rain had tapered off to a drizzle by then. We went the back route north of Bandon, and ended up in Charleston at our favorite fish place. That is where my favorite boat to blip is; I have taken shots of it several times before. and I used it as a blip last June.
It cleared up just as we were done eating, at about 7:00, and I was able to get a shot of the boat with these nice clouds reflecting in the water.

Sorry this is another sunset shot, but I really love taking them.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

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