Julie's Challenge Day 1: Sunrise

Taken for the first day of julie's challenge.

I was planning on a classic sunrise shot. I even went out of the inn at around 5am to catch the sunrise sky. However, as I was in a different city, I didn't know where the best sunrise spot/view is. I would have asked from locals but then again I was distracted from time to time by street scenes and lovely details. Wah! Anyway, I saw this store sign while purposively getting lost in Vigan.

Info on terms from Wikipedia:
* "Pulutan (from the Filipino word pulutin which literally means "something that is picked up") is a term roughly analogous to the English term "finger food". It originally was a snack accompanied with liquor or beer but has found its way into Philippine cuisine as appetizers..."
**The Carinderia  is a local eatery selling and serving and viands with wooden benches. It's also known as a "turo-turo" wherein customers literally point what they want to eat from an array of cauldrons.

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