
By astudyinscarlet

nearly the end of the day, thank heavens

had a day off and it was still shite :-(

<you may want to skip to the backblip link of cuteness>

rearranged an already-rearranged arrangement, then stood up and mucked around til i was at the end of my tether and started yelling. in the middle of the street.
did a massive favour for someone i don't like much as it helped someone i do like, for little thanks from both - one party gets profuse praise from the other for doing something minimal; i get left in the cold again.
was told one thing about pub gathering attendance, only to discover utterly by chance that something else happened and i missed out - why on earth couldn't you USE YOUR BLOODY PHONE AND CALL ME rather than stand in the pub for an hour (esp after the bloody day we've had)??? oh wait - because you talk a good game but fail to follow thru.
was introduced to someone in the pub only to then have them basically slag off what i do for a living - i didn't think he was going to chat me up but i had thought a civilised amount of small talk would have been more appropriate, considering the circ's.

f*ck this for a game of soldiers.

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