
By BernardYoung


OK, so it's not a dog.
It's not a banana skin.
It's not a big stick.

It's not exotic.
It's nothing to be proud of.
But I did earn it.

It's nothing to be sniffed at,
talked down to, ignored.
And I do deserve it.

Ow! but it's barking.
It's tripping me up.
It's teaching me a lesson.

Went to the local pub last night and there was music from The Travelling Band who's lead singer may not be the best in the world vocally but sure knows how to entertain. Even managed to come to the bar and order drinks while still singing. He plonked his guitar on me (they knew I could play) and I joined them for 3 songs. Love it. So it was a 2 a.m. finish!

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