Photo a day for 2010

By kusasi


I'm not going to make any cliched references to the long road ahead - it's just the pathway to Sainsbury's and Starbucks, my occasional lunchtime escape.

On such a dreary Monday, after a two hour commute, arriving half an hour late, a busy morning and a crisis or two, it was good to escape. As I walked back to the office and looked back, two things struck me. One was that although it was such a drizzly grey day, the berries on one side were vibrant red and the flowers on the other bright yellow, although I'm not sure my phone snap does it justice. The other was that it was deserted, usually it's full of office workers laden with cigarettes or bags of shopping.

I enjoyed the moment, took the photo, and realised that the reason it was deserted was that I was late back to the office after lunch. No rest for the wicked ...

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