Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


Me: Hi Pop!

Pop: Heeeey, Hi Kid!!!

Me: Is Nana close to the phone?

Pop: Hold on, let me go hurry her up.

Nana: Yes, yes...I'm here......I am here.

Me: I have some big news for you!

Pop: (laughs) Oh yeah??

Nana: Oooo, what is it?

Me: Our photo won 3rd place in the blip International Photo Contest!"

Pop: 3rd????

Nana: Oh my goodness!

Pop: That is beauuuutiful!

Nana: How amazing!

Me: Isn't it incredible?

Pop: Beauuuutiful!

Nana: This is such an honor for you. How exciting!

Pop: Ooooooh for heeeeeaaaavvveeeennnn's sakes.

Nana: We are so pleased for you.

Pop: Welllll, I'llllll beeee daaaaaarn.

Nana: This is just such an honor.

Pop: Who won 1st and 2nd place?

Me: Two guys from Europe. 1st place went to a guy who took a photo of a man walking through the rain holding an umbrella. The rain was so detailed looking, you can almost feel it just by looking at the photograph.

Pop: Well, I'll be darn.

Me: And the 2nd place photo was of the man who pushed an elderly gentleman in a wheelchair right up to the ocean's edge. It's a very emotional photograph.

Pop: Wow.

Nana: We are so proud of you honey!

Pop: (laughing) Well isn't this beautiful. Crimany! Your Mom and Dad are going to be so thrilled.

Me: Oh they are Pop. They are so excited about this!

Pop: Well I haven't heard such great news in years!

Nana: Really an honor honey!

Pop: You made our day. You made all of our days. Our week. You made the rest of our lives!

Me: (laughing) Thanks! And again, thank you both for letting me take such an emotional photograph and for sharing such an inspiring story with all of us. You two are now known worldwide!!!!

Nana: Did we do that?

Me: Oh yes you did! And I think that you both should go out and celebrate with a treat today!

Pop: You know what, we might just do that.


This heart is dedicated to my Nana and Pop. They live a whole state away but I could feel their love, support and excitement over the phone just as if I was sitting down at their kitchen table with them. XOXO

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