Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Night Lite

Experimenting with light. I sent out an SOS to a few photography friends of mine yesterday about needing an external flash. Each and every one of them said, "not necessary, always go for natural light". And you know what, I knew that they were right. Flash can be nice for some things, but for the most part, it just creates a hard lined and edgy look.

Tonight I played with capturing light from a night lite. I could have put on my flash and taken a fully detailed photograph of my daughter looking down into the night lite. But that is not the kind of photograph that I wanted. I wanted this photograph to capture the light from the night lite illuminating off of her face.

Which leads us to, my MOST abstract photo to date. An image that is probably totally wrong technically but heartwarming emotionally. The blue from the night lite projecting hues of blue onto my daughter's face as she peered inside. That is the image that I wanted to capture.

I will continue playing with light (daylight) and a new feature that I don't really know a whole lot about. White balance. I read about it today in an article and it seemed to really make sense to me. White balance is something that I have never checked on my camera. Looks like I've got some studying to do. And if anyone has any helpful tips or suggestions about this, please let me know. One day at time with fancy camera and me. It's the way it's been and the way it will always be. I never want to stop learning and that is why I posted this blip. Crazy abstract but I am slowly sorting things out. And plus, I LOVE ABSTRACT!!!

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