X Sighted

By q8rdave


OK, OK I yield. Those of you who know I grow orchids have been badgering me to put up pretty, more accessible pictures so I can become more popular on Blip. So for those of you who are miserably tired of those cutesy-woostey chipmunks (I can see Fyra already texting her Florida buddies to come eat the buds off my plants) here is number one.

Epicattleya Netraisri 'Fine Green' AM/AOS. Medium-sized, highly waxy flower. This one has been open a while

Since is the first of the ASOPOMO (A Series of Photographs of My Orchids), I should explain for all of you who do not know, I am a commercial orchid grower besides all my other interests. (God hath condemned no man more than to whom he has given too many talents or in my case interests.) So, of course, I am very aware and keep the tradition by recording their heritage and I know the need to maintain the specific genus designation Epicattleya cross name - Netraisri - and cultivar name 'Fine Green' (AM/AOS at the end indicates this plant has an Award of Merit from the American Orchid Society. An award given by orchid judges to this hybrid and cultivar.)

Fortunately, since orchids have only recently (major cultivation began only in the mid-19th century) become a lustfully craved botanical entity, the hybridization of the plants has been carefully recorded. Somehow the Royal Horticultural Society got stuck with the endless job. This orchid is a hybrid between plants within to different genera and so is a manmade genus - Epicattleya.

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