A Glass of Edinburgh Air...

I'm quite sure that everybody here has an e-mail address and thus you will no doubtedly have come across the phenomenon known as the chain e-mail. You know the one, where they tell you a wee ditty and then add your name to the bottom and forward it onto 10 friends for something special to happen.

I normally send these straight to the delete folder but this one I thought really clever and so might just forward it on. A first for me.

It consisted of a spreadsheet which was password protected. The password was the answer to the wee question it posed. Rightly enough, the password/answer opens the spreadsheet and you can see a pictorial representation of the answer (you've worked it out, what's the need to show you, I don't know!?!) and a list of names to which you add yours.

Want to give the question a go?


There's 7 kids on a bus, each kid has 7 backpacks and in every backpack, there is 7 big cats. Each of the big cats has 7 little cats. How many legs are on the bus?

It is not a trick question, it is just maths.

Who's gonna be first with the right answer? Wingpig, nailed it first time in under 2 minutes in the office, so he doesn't count.

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