My Everyday

By MyEveryday

Light of my Day

Shoveling sheep and cow sh* my day ended yesterday and began today. Disgusting, stinky, and petrified over the past 20 or so years...yuck. It will definitely be worth it though to get the barn cleaned out, "kid friendly," and ready for a chicken coop eventually. The thought of fresh eggs (and the thought of my kids falling in what is currently there), is what is keeping me going :)

In the midst of it all, my daughter came out to tell my husband and I there was a "show" going on upstairs, and promptly handed our tickets to him. We were asked to hurry up and come in. Being dusty, and in the middle of work, the last thing we wanted to do was stop our momentum to come in. But of course, we did for her :)

And here is what I found when I came in: her sitting at the bottom of the stairs, waiting to take our tickets. She made my day even before we watched her dance on the table, serve us tea, and give us special surprises....

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