Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Sunrise, October 4th

7.30am on a beautiful early October morning and the sun rises over Arklow. This was shot about a mile up the road from my home at a point where the road overlooks the town. Looking through a break in the hedgerow we can just make out in the far distance the windfarm sitting on the Arklow Bank out at sea. The spire in the middle distance towards the bottom left is that of St. Saviour's Church of Ireland and just to its right is the chimney of the old woodchip factory which has featured in a couple of my previous efforts. The valley between the camera position and the town is filled with fog. Within twenty minutes the sun had burned most of it off so it was a question of being in the right place at the right time.

You may have spotted that I have changed the shot since the original posting. This is the same frame but converted from the RAW file which was shot simultaneously with the JPEG. I think this version preserves the hihglights around the sun better than the JPEG.

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