Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom


The second of my flatmates. Strangely, this guy went to my secondary school, where I didn't know him that well, so to see him here 3 years later was really quite weird. We are the only 2 guys in the flat, with 5 girls outnumbering us, but get on well and seem to hold our own!

Had my first day of Graphics today and the work is already very full-on. Our first week long project is really quite interesting, and should keep me extremely busy for the next 4 days. On Mondays and Thursdays there are actually 4/5 tutors available to help out, which is really great - nearly always someone available to ask for advice, quite a pleasant surprise considering the course has over 100 people.

Tonight I shall either be getting royally drunk down a good pub in Falmouth with a few coursemates, or getting royally drunk and going to the Student Union for some random dj event... Guess which I'd rather ends up happening?

(Didn't get around to doing my 'great idea' blip today, will do it another time, although it's really not as exciting as you guys are probably thinking)

Something good: Me course!
Something new: First 'Learning Group' (I think that's what they're called) - Small groups of 7 students with a tutor for an hour talk to bounce ideas off each other and such...

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