Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Go Jump in a Lake

When I got to work this morning, I looked outside my office window and saw a boat in the lake (Empire Lake). I decided to slip outside to take a few shots since it looked so nice with all the reflections in the water. While I was taking some shots, this guy ran past me just in shorts and no top. I thought he seemed dressed a little cool for Coos Bay, but I didn't pay him too much mind. Suddenly he was running down the pier toward the water and I realized that he must intend to jump in the lake. So, I turned my camera a little and got the shot.

I wish I would have realized sooner what he was doing and focused in more on him, but at least he is in the shot. The men in the boat seem a little surprised too.

When he came out of the water, a few minutes later, I mentioned that I was taking pictures when he jumped into the water, but he just said "Oh, sorry", and kept on walking. I think he thought he ruined my shot. Anyway, that's about as exciting as it will get today. Have a nice day!

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