The Chaos Bros

By vik

Birthday Babies

Both the babies in our family have had their first birthdays this past week.

We headed through to the wild west for a family gathering to celebrate. My Auntie & Uncle had the party at their house, the are Baby B's grandparents.

Bro4 & Baby B were a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing, lots of people, presents and attention is a lot to take in when you're only just 1.

A decent shot of them sitting nicely on the sofa was attempted and failed, under no circumstances would they both sit still at the same time let alone look at the many cameras! At cake o'clock ( Bro3's favourite time!) we sang Happy Birthday to them together but 2 babies and 2 naked flames meant a picture together was near on impossible and perhaps slightly risky :-)

We had a lovely afternoon and they're going to be the best dressed tots around with all the great presents they received.

Thank you everyone xx

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