Little pleasures

Today I come to you grumpy.

I'm tired. I'm sore and I'm just plain grumpy.

My photography inspiration has got up and gone somewhere and I feel like my images are all the same and are all dull. I'm not sure, but I've been blipping for a long time now, and maybe it's time to have that break I promised myself. Knowing what I know though, it'll just be a phase and if I just keep my head down and push on through then I'll come out the other side. Right now though, it seems as if I'm having to force myself to take photographs each day and that sucks.

Quite frankly.

Some horrible kid threw a cricket ball at Cousteau on our walk and made him squeak. I have to admit that my choice of language was rather 'unchoice', if you know what I mean. Little *******s!!!@@!

He's okay, but it's the principle.

I'm cold. Oh, and did I mention that I'm grumpy?

Anyway, the little pleasure I refer to in my title today is that I bought this cute wee cup (with a hostess plate) a while ago. Imagine my surprise and delight when I discovered some Lily of the Valley (I've never seen it 'in the flesh', as it were, before) growing in my garden. So you have Camelia (no roses yet) and Lily of the Valley with my new tea cup.

Off to study now and then a bath before an early bed.


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