Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

I probably could have gotten back to sleep again and again and again...however Daniel Cat had other plans. Once I got up, he decided to go outside and play elsewhere. Oh well...I do love that cat.

Didn't manage to make it to the beach, but caught a bit of the sunrise from our local fishing bridge. This bridge never fails to sadden me. I should listen to Michele and avoid any place the fishermen hang out. How people can toss fish to die, and just leave them scattered on the sidewalk is beyond me. I took some photos of the fish, but it so angers me that I cannot process them. And would it be so very difficult to be aware of where your fishing line is? father fished, but only to eat and always with great care for all of nature.

Mother Nature supports our life here and the lack of gratitude is astounding to me.

That aside, I waved at the passing fisherman in the boat, and hoped very very much that he is a considerate fisherman. I seldom eat fish. Once in a while, since being a vegie, sometimes I feel like I need to, but I think I am getting way closer to not doing that either. We've ravaged the oceans and rivers quite enough I think.

I guess that is my rant of the day. Now I had best get to cleaning this house or I'll cite myself for pollution. I hope to get online tonight and spend some more time enjoying blipland's many wonders.

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