Through my lens, Willis

By Willis

A walk in the Forest

Beautiful day to get out and take some snaps in the forest primeval...

Good Friday everyone. The weekend is here.

Enlarge (much better large)

Caution Tech Stuff:

I was out in the woods yesterday and shot this background scene with my Canon G10. When I got up this morning I looked at the shot and thought boring. Then I zoomed in and saw today's blip.

I went back to the same spot but this time with my big camera and tripod and shot it correctly. I then shot myself in front of a white screen. Removing me from the background was a lot more work than normal as I had all these straps and poles to contend with.

I wanted to set a nice color mood so I brought the raw background and myself into the composite as Smart Objects. This allows me to return to the RAW image processor to make non-destructive image adjustments. You can change things all you want in saturation, color balance and brightness and never do any harm to the original image. I'm a fan of non-destructive editing.

Finally I added a glow layer to the background followed by a crop and Friday's blip is in the can. Enjoy...

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