Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra


This was my original 100th blip idea ... very different from the normal 100 candles on the cake or arranging objects to make the figure 100 ... As my 100th blip coincidentally collided with my brother's engagement, I decided to add one more match stick to the 101st blip ... implementing this for the 200th blip would have been absurd plus It will require a wait of 100 days ... and I am not that patient.

Can anybody guess what I have done here? technically speaking i.e. ...

My blip journey has been amazing. I have met some amazing people and learnt so many new things. The most important thing that I have learnt through blip is that friendship knows no boundaries, race, religion, difference of thoughts and ideologies ... friendship is universal ...

Although I have ended up making a few close friends, all my fellow subscribers are special to me and hence, I refrain from mentioning names here. Its love and peace for all and I am looking forward to many more here ... Cheers!!

Original un-processed image

P.S. My sister Hajra is one of the 5 Fulbright Scholars to have met Bill and Melinda Gates yesterday for a prize distribution ceremony. They had a direct one on one Q&A with the Gates.

Fulbright's lifetime achivement medal to Bill and Melinda Gates

P.P.S. Had to change the image. It was bothering me and feedback from another photographer friend confirmed my uneasiness about the image ... So, here it is again ...

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