Stephanie's Shots

By stephanie

"De Gasunie"

One of the buildings you can not miss to notice when you are entering Groningen from the South is the Gasunie. This building is quite high and lighted in the evenings. It was designed based on 'organic architecture'. According to the tales about the building there can not be found any standard square rooms in the building. If you follow this link and click on "Head Office" (which sadly is Dutch only) you can see some photos of both the inside ("Binnen") as the outside ("Buiten").

The security of the building is quite high. People are not allowed to walk in and only occasionally there are small tours through the building. I actually have been in the Gasunie once, I had to play there with the student orchestra I was in. It was quite odd.. a lot of palm trees and banana trees just in the middle of the hall.. and we were restricted to three rooms of the building, it was absolutely forbidden to go elsewhere. I did like the inside, but I do think that the security level is a oddly high.

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