I never agreed with you in the first place

To be fair, I did give them a try. Too narrow, and how anyone could describe them as "easy to walk in" is beyond me. Strange what some people will put up with; perhaps it's unnoticeable in soft mud. One other possibility to inspect tomorrow but I shall bet myself ten pounds that they are unsuitable.


The next time one of my wisdom teeth has a little growth spurt I'm going to try arching my back, waggling my legs, squawking repeatedly and not swallowing for several minutes at a time to see if it has any effect on the level of perceived discomfort. Babies appear to do a number of things vaguely instinctively but whilst some (arching the back and waggling the legs in order to flip from back to front) appear to work reasonably well I can't see how squawk-writhing has any beneficial effect on the sensations experienced by the mouth.

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