Around the Block

By Barrioboy

Vertical Garden III

How does your garden grow?

Not like this I presume; instead of silver bells, cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row, we have steel pillars, girders and grates rising in a maze of lines and strength to form an incredible free standing structure adjacent to this old apartment block in my barrio of Les Corts.

It will be a 'vertical garden' (for previous reports see here Vertical Garden II), designed to attract migrating birds by hosting an array of plants.

Not a lot happened over the summer apart from the rendering and painting of the gable wall, but this has suddenly sprung up during my absence in London. I was shooting from outside the site wall when the foreman invited me in, introduced me to the workmen stretched out in the sun for their siesta, and left me free to roam without hard hat or steel toe-capped boots! So much for Spain's health and safety regulations, not that I'm complaining.

It's not an easy thing to frame and the sun is always against you here in this corner, but I hope you get a feel for the strength and complexity of the structure which does not touch the gable wall at any point!

Will bring more shots later...I can't help wondering about what DD and I call 'furry friends' scampering up and down this paradise in search of nests to plunder!

PS The final structure will be twice the height shown!!

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