Ryan's Blipfoto

By ryancgray

Heartbreak Warfare

It was only a matter of time before I blipped this and seeing as I am documenting my life this needs to go in.

I'm currently in the painful process of a relationship breakup, 3 and a half years and to lose someone you love is one of the most painful things anyone can go through, yeah it gets better, but at the time, in the here and now, its hard.

I've spent a lot of my time thinking about how such a life affecting thing the break up can be. For me at least everything changes, I have to move back in with parents in Essex, I'll have to change my job and its like your life is slowly crumbling around you.

But I remain in good spirits, my ex and I remain on good terms, it's hard to not want to speak to your best friend, especially the person you've grown up with and understands you the most, the person you love.

Life goes on, and no doubt I'll experience this again, but coming out of this I'll be stronger and it's proved to me that there is a mountain of friends, family, colleagues who all lend a hand of support to keep you from falling into a pit of darkness, and for that I'll be eternally grateful.

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