As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

King Tutankhamun

Field trip!

Today, my grade took a trip to the city to see the King Tut exhibit! This is the last time it will be in North America EVER so we got really lucky with our timing :) I really enjoyed seeing all of the ancient stuff. I read almost every description of artifacts in the whole place. I was a little annoyed when I saw so many kids just rushing through it and not paying attention to anything. I learned a lot from all of this and I would say that the trip was a success! We only left the school at 9:00 and we got back around 1:15. We sat in the auditorium for the rest of the day watching John Q and then a little bit of Mean Girls. :)

We had cross country practice at Norman Levy park today. It was BEAUTIFUL! The weather cleared up and we could see for miles in all directions. We spent about an hour and a half there just running up, down, and all around the hill. (Norman Levy is a landfill that they covered in plants and now have a few short paths around. Its really just a hill...).

I ATE CHINESE FOOD FOR DINNER :D I've been waiting soooooo long for that. Then I went to choir rehearsal and now I'm trying to add two outside sources to my essay that's already 22 words over the used to be 332 words over.

Listen to the Vitamin String Quartet. They're really good.

This is a brochure for the exhibit, the bag from the gift shop, and a little canopic jar I bought :)

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