sound round ground

Whilst it would be terrible and unfortunate and disruptive if the funds for the EICC extension suddenly dried up and work suddenly stopped it'd be nice to have a big abandoned hole in the ground again like there used to be next to the old museum before they finally got round to building the new bit of the museum. It probably wasn't as big as I remember it seeming but as I probably first saw it at night when the city was still new to me and strangely large-seeming it seemed vast, excitingly half-concealed as it was by construction-fence.

I don't think this morning's rain was quite as good as that which occurred on the way home a few weeks ago but it was sufficient to get the same feeling of water running into my trainers and sloshing about, though as the trapped water then quickly warmed up it wasn't particularly unpleasant though I was surprised how quickly cold water seeped in through the hole in the sole when I accidentally put my foot down in the rain-filled tram-line-channel when stopped at a set of lights. I wasn't surprised that they were still damp by the time it came to put them back on to come home though having left half a section of newspaper in my locker helped. Slightly. Though it's still surprisingly late for the heating to not be on in the office it was still sufficiently warm for everything else to dry out over the course of the working day despite the non-ideal draping-placements available but I thought that a pair of fairly old trainers soaked in road-spray and the collected street-leachings collected in a tram track might have started to smell a bit in any amount of heat.

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