
By meles

Late night blip

Busy,busy with work things all day, punctuated by the occasional check to see if the new phone was up and running with my phone number yet. Pah! Not much point in it being an Android if I can't make phone calls on it.....

We went to the SMWS to purchase a bottle on behalf of a colleague down South (who claims that he's only just coming to the end of the bottle I took him a year ago - very strange!) Since we had to go there anyway we had a meal and sampled a dram of the 23.66, just to make sure it was OK. ;-)

Found when I got home that I'd only taken one photo, in the very well-appointed but rather un-photogenic ladies loo in the Vaults. So was I going to put on my coat again and go out in search of a blip, or just snap my bedtime reading?

I'm quite enjoying it, but the fact that it won a big literary prize is surprising to me.

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