
By reminisce

Lakshmi puja

The day after we returned from the Sunderbans, it was packed with a lunch invitation and an invitation to attend Lakshmi puja. Since we were to start back to Hyderabad tomorrow, we had no excuses. The lunch was sumptous but had too many dishes, and I could sit after having eaten. My clothes have all grown a little small for me and i hope to lose some weight once back in Hyderabad. It may almost happen without much effort given the terrible food options at work and the regular home food which is very light. :)

In the evening we attended Lakshmi puja at a relatives and were agin offered several eating options. It was nice though to meet many all at one place.

Back for dinner my mother-in-law insisted we had dinner too as there was excess food at home (which is not unusual:)) I am getting quite sick of eating to be honest!!

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