Cigar Plant

I took a few photos this weekend and this is the one the hubby picked out and told me was the better of the few. He didn't like this one at all, even though I rather did for some blurry reason. And this one is the first of the Mexican Sunflowers that have started to bloom way up high where I really couldn't get a good shot.

Have had a rather interesting weekend. I believe we are starting our own commune out here on the property. We've made a decision to help a friend out and now have a 32 foot travel trailer sitting out here rigged up for living. It belongs to my son who let us bring it out from his place to here to give a friend of ours a place to hang his hat. It is now hooked up and good to go.

So the son and grandson spent the weekend and Uncle John, who is getting quite settled, drove out to visit and we have had a wonderful time.

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