a town called E.

By Eej


It was still warm this morning and, unsurprisingly, there was a mass of 'tornado watches' that upgraded to 'tornado warning' within hours. The sirens went off. I was at work, I couldn't reach the Beloved who was out on a PC-job and while everyone just went on with their business, I went around hysterically with my jacket on, camera bag and purse around my neck. If a tornado would hit us, I would at least be able to eat my sandwich and take photos. Crazy, how your mind works in times of utter panic.

Everything was okay. While schools and companies a bit further away were all in lockdown, Paw Paw stayed all clear.
But still, the sirens were blaring :/

By the time I got home, we were just having massive wind-gusts.
"What I wouldn't give to live closer to the Lake" I sighed. "I bet aaaaaaaaaall the photographers are out there."

So we went too :)

Lake Michigan was wild. Wilder than I have ever seen it. And so cold! My teeth were chattering, my skin got microdermabrased, my ears were slowly filling up with sand. But ooooooh, what a fantastic sight. Jaw-droppingly awesome.
And about 376543865423* people with cameras apparently agreed!

I brought some old bread for the gulls, so I went and found a quieter spot to throw it at them.
And it flew right back at me.
And so did the gulls!
They may have tried to get away from me (I'll give them the benefit of the doubt) but because of the wind, they were sort of stationary riiiiiight on top of me. I covered my head and hoped for the best. People in cars passing stopped to take photos. Considering I have done the same when other people were under seagull siege I can't say I blame them. Through the flying feathers and the greedy eyes I could see the Beloved, safe in the car.

*I sometimes exaggerate a bit.

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