The Life of Bri

By bri

En-route to A & E

It was no great surprise to spend the evening in A & E after the Biking Blip Meet.

The only surprise was that it wasn't any of the blippers I was escorting.

Had a grand (half-) day out with 42, Joe, Anonymoose and 77 - great weather, good company, great trails.

Discovered how much fitness I've lost in the last year of pushing a pram/buggy along flat roads - last time I came here I thought the Blue trail was pretty easy, let's do it again. This time I was praying for no more up-hill. Still, managed all the descents without touching my dodgy front brake, so it was all good. More photos.

Oh yes - you're waiting for the bit about A & E - sorry. Got home in reasonable time to let Mrs B off to ride horses for two friends. Decided to go with her to the stables to take a few scenic photos, walk the dogs and look after BabyB.

Unfortunately while I was swanning around outside trying to get the barn at just the right angle in the evening sunlight, Mrs B contrived to fall off a horse. Well, to be fair, it contrived to throw her off with a mad charge and a few bucks thrown in for good measure.

By the time I got to the scene she was in the recovery position and trying to sort herself out, but her left ankle didn't look to be at quite the right angle...

So it was a speedy mercy mission to Ninewells A & E (with BabyB and dogs all along for the ride). Luckily we caught the tail end of the Saturday afternoon sports injury rush before the Saturday night alcohol injury rush, so were in and out in under 3 hours. The result - strained ligaments in ankle, shoulder and hand, general bruising and whiplash everywhere else. Expect a very sore Mrs B tomorrow, and a very hobbly Mrs B for quite a while after that...

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