The Poss

By PossMan


Deviated a little from my morning walk to get the paper to take this whilst it's still there. Its an old Victorian (I think) villa which I've always called the old agricultural college although even when I arrived nearby 15 years ago it was no longer used as a college. According to the sign at the gate it's now the SAC Veterinary Services Disease Surveillance Centre. The building is set well back from the road. It seems they are going to move to a new site so I imagine the house will be turned into "luxury apartments", the usual fate of many large houses round here but better than demolishing and replacing with with something unremarkable. But the large area in front, bigger than it seems in the shot, will have houses built on. The estate will have a trendy name like "Castle Heather", "Druid's Glen", or "Admiral's View" to give just three examples of names already taken in the area.

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