The Next Star Is Mine

By astronick

In this near wild heaven

After driving through heavy, insatiable rain on Friday we couldn't quite believe our eyes when Saturday dawned still and with a promise of sunshine. We were staying at the Invergarry Lodge, a great little hostel in the Great Glen, to help one member of the Stocket Hillwalking Club celebrate compleating their Munros.

The Munro was Sgurr a' Mhaoraich which sits to the north of Loch Quoich. This loch, between Loch Garry and Loch Hourn, is part of the Glen Garry hydroelectricity project which was commissioned in the 1950s. Sgurr a' Mhaoraich stands at a height of 1,027m and has numerous ridges and corries, particularly on its northern and western flanks.

It was a quite breathtakingly beautiful day and the views from the summit were simply stunning. We spent a good hour on the top, drinking champagne, eating cake and reeling off the names of hundreds of mountains and places that could be seen, from Ben Nevis to Torridon and out to the Hebrides.

The view in the above photo was taken from the summit of the Munro looking east. To the left is the long line of the South Glen Shiel Ridge, a long line of seven Munros, whilst on the right is the Munro of Gleouraich.

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